1841 In Limoges, France Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born.
1878 Guillotage paper invented by the French.
1880 Renoir’s brother Monsieur Edmund Renoir hires Monsieur Pierre-Auguste Renoir to illustrate for
his magazine and gives him the only roll of this exact Guillotage paper to use for his paintings studies.
1882-1883 Renoir traveled to Italy to study frescoes and classical Italian painting, rejecting
1883-1884 Renoir starts to make many preparatory drawings, including the only pastel color study for the
Grand Bathers. While rejecting Impressionism Renoir made the figures in the foreground Classical and
the landscape background Impressionist for The Grand Bathers Painting. A first for any artist. Also a first
for Renoir, making studies that later were photographed and enlarged using a slide projector to create
grand monumental paintings and studies.
1887 After years of working on the painting The Grand Bathers, making around 27 black and white
drawings and one finished detailed color pastel study, then Renoir completed his masterpiece, the first
Grand Bathers.
1887 Renoir stores the pastel under glass, not fully covering the edges of the pastel. While stored, the
edges had minor damage done by not being covered.
1930 - 1942 An art restorer attempted restoration.
1930 - 1940 The title plaque from the framing was made in Europe, stating in French,
“Pastel Study for The Bathers by Pierre Auguste Renoir.”
1944 Monsieur Charles Wolf, was a known French Resistance fighter and owner of Charvo, a business in
Grenoble, France. He finds the Renoir Pastel Study and adds his label, with the name and address of his
company, “Charvo S.A.”, “1 Rue Leconte-De-Lisle”, his family name, “Collection Personelle De Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Wolf President Directeur General”, and “Grenoble - France Tel. Bureaux : 44.69.65 (3
Lignes Groupees)” on the back of the framing.
1965 Monsieur Charles Wolf passed away; his wife sold the picture. According to his wife, Madame
Wolf, who had a very short conversation on the telephone in 1994. She speaks on the phone in old French
with the help of her nurse.
1980 - 2001 Greg Kitchen was photographing art of all periods for the famous collection of Harold and
Hester Diamond and other prestigious art galleries, artists, and dealers.
1993 Discovered and purchased the Pastel Study in an April, Spring, New York antique show, this Renoir,
the only full-color Pastel Study for The Grand Bathers, with dirt and a layer of diffusing film on the front
of the framing glass from poor storage near saltwater, and pastel dust on the inside of the glass from
antique cardboard backing vibrating the picture from behind until the Pastel Study left pastel striping on
the glass.
2001 McCrone Group discover restoration on the edges of the pastel and found the pigments to be 19th
century or older.
2002 The Renoir Pastel Paper Report by Adriaan Kardinaal and the Dutch Scientists of the Royal Library
concluded the paper the Pastel Study is on came out of Renoir’s house.
2005 A French friend found one of the Wolf family, a grandson of Monsieur Wolf, who was going to help
us research the pastel study, but ultimately held some discussions then did not come through with enough
information place the Renoir Pastel Study for the Grand Bathers.